Geneva Field Trip
As part of the MACIS curriculum, you get the opportunity to partake in the annual “International Organizations” field trip to Geneva. The objective of this 2 day trip is to learn about the work and challenges of Geneva-based IOs. You will be visiting several IOs including the International Committee of the Red Cross, the UN headquarters, ITU, WHO, ACWL, and the WTO among others.
The participation is mandatory. Don't forget to register with myStudies: LE 857-0027-00L / HS / 2 ECTS
Students will have to hand in a memo about an organization. More information will be given prior to the event.
This trip is funded by the Center for International and Comparative Studies (CIS).
Date: 8 - 9 September 2025

Due to the travel restrictions the 2020 Geneva Field Trip was held remotely.