MACIS Student Representatives

Fintan Marugg

Ariea Robinson



Mattéo Bard

Michael Stelzig

The Student Representatives' central role is to represent the interests of the student body vis-à-vis the professors. Therefore, we conduct and collect both general and course-specific evaluations, which we then report back to the professors. If they wish, we discuss this feedback directly to work out solutions for a better learning experience. For the future, we hope to institutionalize this feedback loop and encourage the professors to use this opportunity.

Being at the interface between professors, students, and student bodies, we are also in regular exchange with the Director of Studies, the Student Organization GessWho, and other Student Representatives at D-GESS.


We introduced the Geneva Guide for those who wish to do an exchange semester at the Graduate Institute in Geneva. We also supported GessWho! in setting up a MACIS Alumni LinkedIn page. Lastly, we strengthened the inter-departmental communication among the Student Representatives at D-GESS. They represent the four Bachelor's and Master's degrees MA in Comparative and International Studies (MACIS), MA in Science, Technology and Policy (STP), MA in History and Philosophy of Knowledge (MAGPW), and BA in Public Policy (MILAK). We aim to use this newly launched platform to tackle common study-related concerns.

In collaboration with the STP Student Representatives, our latest project launched is the 1.5-day R-Bootcamp for the incoming MACIS and STP students before the start of the semester. In total, 27 participants from the MACIS and STP attended the workshop, where the basic commands in R were refreshed. Moreover, topics like data manipulation and data visualization skills were covered. In the spirit of the open-source movement, we made it available online  external page

Should you have any concerns regarding your studies, course choice, or issues with a professor, we are here for you!

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